Crypts - Coven of The Dead


Formed in 2018, the death metal band Crypts makes old school death metal in the likes of Bolt Thrower and Autopsy. With their experience in black-, power-, and doom metal, Coven of The Dead is an album filled with promising ideas. 

Hailing from Münster, Germany, these guys have made a debut album to definitely be proud of. Their sound is gnarly, groovy and dirty at the same time. The artwork by Sebastian Jerke resembles the music perfectly. 

Death metal needs to be definable and on this record, you hear everything, especially the drums, which actually sound like drums! 'Deathking Coronation' and 'Nuclear Vengeance' are perfect examples of that. It makes the band sound original and very interesting to listen to. And that's not the only thing that makes this album interesting, they do not just play death metal, but there are some trash/heavy metal influences on 'Final War' and some death-doom/horror soundtrack influences on the title track and 'Paura'. The only criticism I have is that the drums bring the atmosphere down on 'Paura'. If they were a little bit more buried in the mix just on Paura, that song would've really shined.     

But this is a band that is capable of doing anything so I would watch them closely if I were you.


1. Hallucinations
2. Deathking Coronation
3. Nuclear Vengeance
4. Final War
5. Coven of The Dead
6. Hypothermia
7. Paura


This Charming Man Records


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