Black Curse - Endless Wound

Formed in 2015 as Maliblis, the four-piece band now known as Black Curse, brought out their debut album Endless Wound on Sepulchral Voice Records on April 2nd. With members from Blood Incantation, Spectral Voice, Primitive Man and Khemmis, you can expect nothing more than a curdling deep pool of boiling black magma.


1. Charnel Rift
2. Crowned in (Floral) Vice
3. Enraptured By Decay
4. Seared Eyes
5. Lifeless Sanctum
6. Endless Wound
7. Finality I Behold

Black Curse sounds like they're summoning demons. Real nasty ones, with grotesque deformities, immense eyes and otherworldly beaks that make cavernous sounds. Just listen to the way singer Eli torments his throat. It’s got to hurt man. Then again, he is the main reason for the sound on this record. O and Arthur Rizk of course, the guy who produced a shitload of records and plays the drums in Eternal Champion. He soaked this record in slime and made it sound like it’s recorded in hell or what have you.

The album has seven tracks, it lasts almost 40 minutes and it pummels you to death with sludgy death riffing at its finest. After it is finally over, you can breathe again. Now press repeat. Let Black Curse suffocate you. You’ll love it. 


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